A multilingual platform for learning the Polish language

09.02.2023 Ogłoszenie
nauka języka polskiego dla obcokrajowców
Wpis może zawierać nieaktualne dane.

The Internet is one of the most valuable and effective sources of information and has become an indispensable medium, especially for learning foreign languages. The interactive platform polski.info can be used online free of charge and effectively teaches the basics of the Polish language. Therefore, polski.info combines learning material about life and traditions in Poland with thematically related lessons on everyday language. These materials help the users of polski.info to quickly make themselves understood in Polish, to gain insights into everyday life in Poland, to understand the people there better and thus even to improve their chances on the job market. The platform is designed for motivated learners of Polish as well as for employees with various qualifications, students who are planning to move to Poland or already live there, pupils, tourists or residents of border areas.

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Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
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